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Cahen's constant is defined as C = sum_(k=0)^(infty)((-1)^k)/(a_k-1) (1) = 0.64341054628... (2) (OEIS A118227), where a_k is the kth term of Sylvester's sequence.
The Farey sequence F_n for any positive integer n is the set of irreducible rational numbers a/b with 0<=a<=b<=n and (a,b)=1 arranged in increasing order. The first few are ...
The ratio of two numbers r and s is written r/s, where r is the numerator and s is the denominator. The ratio of r to s is equivalent to the quotient r/s. Betting odds ...
The nth root of the denominator B_n of the nth convergent A_n/B_n of a number x tends to a constant lim_(n->infty)B_n^(1/n) = e^beta (1) = e^(pi^2/(12ln2)) (2) = 3.275823... ...
Wirsing (1974) showed, among other results, that if F_n(x) is the Gauss-Kuzmin distribution, then lim_(n->infty)(F_n(x)-lg(1+x))/((-lambda)^n)=Psi(x), (1) where ...
The number one (1), also called "unity," is the first positive integer. It is an odd number. Although the number 1 used to be considered a prime number, it requires special ...
Erdős offered a $3000 prize for a proof of the proposition that "If the sum of reciprocals of a set of integers diverges, then that set contains arbitrarily long arithmetic ...
A regular number, also called a finite decimal (Havil 2003, p. 25), is a positive number that has a finite decimal expansion. A number such as 1/3=0.33333... which is not ...
The so-called rule of three is an educational tool utilized historically to verbalize the process of solving basic linear equations with four terms where three of the terms ...
A siteswap is a sequence encountered in juggling in which each term is a positive integer, encoded in binary. The transition rule from one term to the next consists of ...
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