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1331 - 1340 of 3358 for Ackermann FunctionSearch Results
In his famous paper of 1859, Riemann stated that the number N(T) of Riemann zeta function zeros sigma+it with 0<t<=T is asymptotically given by ...
Consider the inequality sigma(n)<e^gammanlnlnn for integer n>1, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and gamma is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. This holds for 7, 11, 13, ...
The cotangent function cotz is the function defined by cotz = 1/(tanz) (1) = (i(e^(iz)+e^(-iz)))/(e^(iz)-e^(-iz)) (2) = (i(e^(2iz)+1))/(e^(2iz)-1), (3) where tanz is the ...
Sociable numbers are numbers that result in a periodic aliquot sequence, where an aliquot sequence is the sequence of numbers obtained by repeatedly applying the restricted ...
At rational arguments p/q, the digamma function psi_0(p/q) is given by psi_0(p/q)=-gamma-ln(2q)-1/2picot(p/qpi) +2sum_(k=1)^([q/2]-1)cos((2pipk)/q)ln[sin((pik)/q)] (1) for ...
For a bivariate normal distribution, the distribution of correlation coefficients is given by P(r) = (1) = (2) = (3) where rho is the population correlation coefficient, ...
An elliptic partial differential equation given by del ^2psi+k^2psi=0, (1) where psi is a scalar function and del ^2 is the scalar Laplacian, or del ^2F+k^2F=0, (2) where F ...
Let z be defined as a function of w in terms of a parameter alpha by z=w+alphaphi(z). (1) Then Lagrange's inversion theorem, also called a Lagrange expansion, states that any ...
A sieving procedure that can be used in conjunction with Dixon's factorization method to factor large numbers n. Pick values of r given by r=|_sqrt(n)_|+k, (1) where k=1, 2, ...
A public-key cryptography algorithm which uses prime factorization as the trapdoor one-way function. Define n=pq (1) for p and q primes. Also define a private key d and a ...