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The neighborhood complex N(G) of a locally finite graph G is defined as the abstract simplicial complex formed by the subsets of the neighborhoods of all vertices of G.
Let M^n be a compact n-dimensional oriented Riemannian manifold without boundary, let O be a group representation of pi_1(M) by orthogonal matrices, and let E(O) be the ...
A group representation of a group G on a vector space V can be restricted to a subgroup H. For example, the symmetric group on three letters has a representation phi on R^2 ...
The complex structure of a point x=x_1,x_2 in the plane is defined by the linear map J:R^2->R^2 J(x_1,x_2)=(-x_2,x_1), (1) and corresponds to a counterclockwise rotation by ...
A Lie algebra is a vector space g with a Lie bracket [X,Y], satisfying the Jacobi identity. Hence any element X gives a linear transformation given by ad(X)(Y)=[X,Y], (1) ...
A square matrix A is antihermitian if it satisfies A^(H)=-A, (1) where A^(H) is the adjoint. For example, the matrix [i 1+i 2i; -1+i 5i 3; 2i -3 0] (2) is an antihermitian ...
Given a group G, the algebra CG is a vector space CG={suma_ig_i|a_i in C,g_i in G} of finite sums of elements of G, with multiplication defined by g·h=gh, the group ...
The word canonical is used to indicate a particular choice from of a number of possible conventions. This convention allows a mathematical object or class of objects to be ...
Suppose that A and B are two normed (Banach) algebras. A vector space X is called an A-B-bimodule whenever it is simultaneously a normed (Banach) left A-module, a normed ...
The index I associated to a symmetric, non-degenerate, and bilinear g over a finite-dimensional vector space V is a nonnegative integer defined by I=max_(W in S)(dimW) where ...