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291 - 300 of 2037 for Abstract Vector SpaceSearch Results
The infinitesimal algebraic object associated with a Lie groupoid. A Lie algebroid over a manifold B is a vector bundle A over B with a Lie algebra structure [,] (Lie ...
Let X be a topological vector space and for an arbitrary point x in X, denote by N_(x) the collection of all neighborhoods of x in X. A local base at x is any set B subset ...
A multilinear form on a vector space V(F) over a field F is a map f:V(F)×...×V(F)->F (1) such that c·f(u_1,...,u_i,...,u_n)=f(u_1,...,c·u_i,...,u_n) (2) and ...
The set of all points x that can be put into one-to-one correspondence with sets of essentially distinct values of five homogeneous coordinates x_0:x_1:x_2:x_3:x_4, not all ...
A subset A of a vector space V is said to be convex if lambdax+(1-lambda)y for all vectors x,y in A, and all scalars lambda in [0,1]. Via induction, this can be seen to be ...
A module is a mathematical object in which things can be added together commutatively by multiplying coefficients and in which most of the rules of manipulating vectors hold. ...
Let G be a Lie group and let rho be a group representation of G on C^n (for some natural number n), which is continuous in the sense that the function G×C^n->C^n defined by ...
In the field of functional analysis, the Krein-Milman theorem is a result which characterizes all (nonempty) compact convex subsets K of "sufficiently nice" topological ...
The line segment connecting opposite polyhedron vertices (i.e., two polyhedron vertices which do not share a common face) in a parallelepiped or other similar solid. Also ...
A branch of mathematics which brings together ideas from algebraic geometry, linear algebra, and number theory. In general, there are two main types of K-theory: topological ...
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