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The Copeland-Erdős constant has decimal expansion C=0.23571113... (OEIS A033308). The Earls sequence (starting position of n copies of the digit n) for e is given for n=1, 2, ...
A plot of the map winding number W resulting from mode locking as a function of Omega for the circle map theta_(n+1)=theta_n+Omega-K/(2pi)sin(2pitheta_n) (1) with K=1. (Since ...
The number N_d^((b))(n) of digits d in the base-b representation of a number n is called the b-ary digit count for d. The digit count is implemented in the Wolfram Language ...
The dihedral group D_3 is a particular instance of one of the two distinct abstract groups of group order 6. Unlike the cyclic group C_6 (which is Abelian), D_3 is ...
The disdyakis dodecahedral graph is Archimedean dual graph which is the skeleton of the disdyakis dodecahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
Pick three points P=(x_1,y_1), Q=(x_2,y_2), and R=(x_3,y_3) distributed independently and uniformly in a unit disk K (i.e., in the interior of the unit circle). Then the ...
A two-player game, also called crosscram, in which player H has horizontal dominoes and player V has vertical dominoes. The two players alternately place a domino on a board ...
Let the elliptic modulus k satisfy 0<k^2<1. (This may also be written in terms of the parameter m=k^2 or modular angle alpha=sin^(-1)k.) The incomplete elliptic integral of ...
Draw lines P_AQ_A, P_BQ_B, and P_CQ_C through the symmedian point K and parallel to the sides of the triangle DeltaABC. The points where the parallel lines intersect the ...
A prime p for which 1/p has a maximal period decimal expansion of p-1 digits. Full reptend primes are sometimes also called long primes (Conway and Guy 1996, pp. 157-163 and ...
