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A maximally nonhamiltonian graph is a nonhamiltonian graph G for which G+e is Hamiltonian for each edge e in the graph complement of G^_, i.e., every two nonadjacent vertices ...
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. If h is one-to-one and onto, then it is a meet-isomorphism provided that it preserves meets.
det(i+j+mu; 2i-j)_(i,j=0)^(n-1)=2^(-n)product_(k=0)^(n-1)Delta_(2k)(2mu), where mu is an indeterminate, Delta_0(mu)=2, ...
Three guests decide to stay the night at a lodge whose rate they are initially told is $30 per night. However, after the guests have each paid $10 and gone to their room, the ...
Möbius tetrahedra, also called Möbius tetrads (Baker 1922, pp. 61-62) are a pair of tetrahedra, each of which has all the vertices lying on the faces of the other: in other ...
A monotone triangle (also called a strict Gelfand pattern or a gog triangle) of order n is a number triangle with n numbers along each side and the base containing entries ...
There are two functions commonly denoted mu, each of which is defined in terms of integrals. Another unrelated mathematical function represented using the Greek letter mu is ...
An N-cluster is a point lattice configuration in which the distance between every pair of points is an integer, no three points are collinear, and no four points are ...
The first Napoleon point N is the concurrence of lines drawn between vertices of a given triangle DeltaABC and the opposite vertices of the corresponding inner Napoleon ...
The Narayan number N(n,k) for n=1, 2, ... and k=1, ..., n gives a solution to several counting problems in combinatorics. For example, N(n,k) gives the number of expressions ...
