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A sphere which acts as a model of a spherical (or ellipsoidal) celestial body, especially the Earth, and on which the outlines of continents, oceans, etc. are drawn.
A Horn clause without a positive literal.
The golden ratio has decimal expansion phi=1.618033988749894848... (OEIS A001622). It can be computed to 10^(10) digits of precision in 24 CPU-minutes on modern hardware and ...
The index set for the collection of submodules in a graded module.
In celestial mechanics, the fixed path a planet traces as it moves around the sun is called an orbit. When a group G acts on a set X (this process is called a group action), ...
A gyrobicupola is a bicupola in which the bases are in opposite orientations.
The integral associated with the Haar measure.
A system of variables which can be written in the form of Hamilton's equations.
Objects which are identical except for a mirror reflection are said to display handedness and to be chiral.
A 100-sided polygon, virtually indistinguishable in appearance from a circle except at very high magnification.
