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A plane curve given by the parametric equations x = cost (1) y = sintsin^m(1/2t). (2) The plots above show curves for values of m from 0 to 7. The teardrop curve has area ...
A curve which can be turned continuously inside an equilateral triangle. There are an infinite number of delta curves, but the simplest are the circle and lens-shaped ...
The curve defined by the Cartesian equation f(x)=ln|(sinx)/x|=ln|sinc(x)|. The Kilroy curve arises in the study of spread spectra plotted on a logarithmic (decibel) scale, ...
The knot curve is a quartic curve with implicit Cartesian equation (x^2-1)^2=y^2(3+2y). (1) The x- and y-intercepts are (0,-1), (0,1/2), and (+/-1,0). It has horizontal ...
A nonuniform rational B-spline curve defined by C(t)=(sum_(i=0)^(n)N_(i,p)(t)w_iP_i)/(sum_(i=0)^(n)N_(i,p)(t)w_i), where p is the order, N_(i,p) are the B-spline basis ...
An adjoint curve which bears a special relation to the base curve.
The swastika curve is Cundy and Rollett's (1989, p. 71) name for the quartic plane curve with Cartesian equation y^4-x^4=xy and polar equation ...
The Trott curve is a simple example of a quartic curve having 28 real bitangents-the maximum possible for a quartic-given by the equation ...
There are two curves known as the butterfly curve. The first is the sextic plane curve given by the implicit equation y^6=x^2-x^6 (1) (Cundy and Rollett 1989, p. 72; left ...
A curve also known as the Gerono lemniscate. It is given by Cartesian coordinates x^4=a^2(x^2-y^2), (1) polar coordinates, r^2=a^2sec^4thetacos(2theta), (2) and parametric ...
