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The differential equation describing exponential growth is (dN)/(dt)=rN. (1) This can be integrated directly int_(N_0)^N(dN)/N=int_0^trdt (2) to give ln(N/(N_0))=rt, (3) ...
A simple closed curve on a sphere that is not necessarily a great circle but merely intersects as a great circle would (Billera et al. 1999).
The radius of curvature is given by R=1/(|kappa|), (1) where kappa is the curvature. At a given point on a curve, R is the radius of the osculating circle. The symbol rho is ...
A quotient of two polynomials P(z) and Q(z), R(z)=(P(z))/(Q(z)), is called a rational function, or sometimes a rational polynomial function. More generally, if P and Q are ...
Let K subset= C be compact, let f be analytic on a neighborhood of K, and let P subset= C^*\K contain at least one point from each connected component of C^*\K. Then for any ...
There are at least two Siegel's theorems. The first states that an elliptic curve can have only a finite number of points with integer coordinates. The second states that if ...
For a curve with radius vector r(t), the unit tangent vector T^^(t) is defined by T^^(t) = (r^.)/(|r^.|) (1) = (r^.)/(s^.) (2) = (dr)/(ds), (3) where t is a parameterization ...
An extended form of Bürmann's theorem. Let f(z) be a function of z analytic in a ring-shaped region A, bounded by another curve C and an inner curve c. Let theta(z) be a ...
Any nontrivial, closed, simple, smooth spherical curve dividing the surface of a sphere into two parts of equal areas has at least four inflection points.
A toric section is a curve obtained by slicing a torus (generally a horn torus) with a plane. A spiric section is a special case of a toric section in which the slicing plane ...
