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A Lindenmayer system, also known as an L-system, is a string rewriting system that can be used to generate fractals with dimension between 1 and 2. Several example fractals ...
A factorization of the form 2^(4n+2)+1=(2^(2n+1)-2^(n+1)+1)(2^(2n+1)+2^(n+1)+1). (1) The factorization for n=14 was discovered by Aurifeuille, and the general form was ...
The binomial transform takes the sequence a_0, a_1, a_2, ... to the sequence b_0, b_1, b_2, ... via the transformation b_n=sum_(k=0)^n(-1)^(n-k)(n; k)a_k. The inverse ...
Catalan's triangle is the number triangle 1 ; 1 1 ; 1 2 2 ; 1 3 5 5 ; 1 4 9 14 14 ; 1 5 14 28 42 42 ; 1 6 20 48 90 132 132 (1) (OEIS A009766) with entries given by ...
Clark's triangle is a number triangle created by setting the vertex equal to 0, filling one diagonal with 1s, the other diagonal with multiples of an integer f, and filling ...
A spiral that gives the solution to the central orbit problem under a radial force law r^..=-mu|r|^(-3)r^^, (1) where mu is a positive constant. There are three solution ...
The angle obtained by drawing the auxiliary circle of an ellipse with center O and focus F, and drawing a line perpendicular to the semimajor axis and intersecting it at A. ...
The trilinear coordinates alpha:beta:gamma of a point P relative to a reference triangle are proportional to the directed distances a^':b^':c^' from P to the side lines of ...
Let I be a set, and let U be an ultrafilter on I, let phi be a formula of a given language L, and let {A_i:i in I} be any collection of structures which is indexed by the set ...
Let A be a relational system, and let L be a language which is appropriate for A. Let phi be a well-formed formula of L, and let s be a valuation in A. Then A|=_sphi is ...
