
Catalan's Triangle

Catalan's triangle is the number triangle

 1      ; 1 1     ; 1 2 2    ; 1 3 5 5   ; 1 4 9 14 14  ; 1 5 14 28 42 42 ; 1 6 20 48 90 132 132

(OEIS A009766) with entries given by


for 0<=k<=n. Each element is equal to the one above plus the one to the left. The sum of each row is equal to the last element of the next row and also equal to the Catalan number C_n. Furthermore, c_(nn)=C_n.

The coefficients c_(nk) also give the number of nonnegative partial sums of n 1s and k -1s, denoted {n; k} by Bailey (1996), who gave the alternate form


for n>=k>=2.

See also

Bell Triangle, Clark's Triangle, Euler's Number Triangle, Leibniz Harmonic Triangle, Nonnegative Partial Sum, Number Triangle, Pascal's Triangle, Prime Triangle, Seidel-Entringer-Arnold Triangle

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Bailey, D. F. "Counting Arrangements of 1's and -1's." Math. Mag. 69, 128-131, 1996.Brualdi, R. A. Introductory Combinatorics, 4th ed. New York: Elsevier, 1997.Forder, H. G. "Some Problems in Combinatorics." Math. Gaz. 45, 199-201, 1961.Shapiro, L. W. "A Catalan Triangle." Disc. Math. 14, 83-90, 1976.Sloane, N. J. A. Sequence A009766 in "The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences."

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Catalan's Triangle

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Catalan's Triangle." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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