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Solutions to the associated Laguerre differential equation with nu!=0 and k an integer are called associated Laguerre polynomials L_n^k(x) (Arfken 1985, p. 726) or, in older ...
The word "base" in mathematics is used to refer to a particular mathematical object that is used as a building block. The most common uses are the related concepts of the ...
There are two definitions of Bernoulli polynomials in use. The nth Bernoulli polynomial is denoted here by B_n(x) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972), and the archaic form of the ...
The beta function B(p,q) is the name used by Legendre and Whittaker and Watson (1990) for the beta integral (also called the Eulerian integral of the first kind). It is ...
There are several closely related results that are variously known as the binomial theorem depending on the source. Even more confusingly a number of these (and other) ...
The bivariate normal distribution is the statistical distribution with probability density function P(x_1,x_2)=1/(2pisigma_1sigma_2sqrt(1-rho^2))exp[-z/(2(1-rho^2))], (1) ...
A branch cut is a curve (with ends possibly open, closed, or half-open) in the complex plane across which an analytic multivalued function is discontinuous. For convenience, ...
A modified set of Chebyshev polynomials defined by a slightly different generating function. They arise in the development of four-dimensional spherical harmonics in angular ...
The complex conjugate of a complex number z=a+bi is defined to be z^_=a-bi. (1) The conjugate matrix of a matrix A=(a_(ij)) is the matrix obtained by replacing each element ...
The complex numbers are the field C of numbers of the form x+iy, where x and y are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit equal to the square root of -1, sqrt(-1). When a ...
