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Cluster analysis is a technique used for classification of data in which data elements are partitioned into groups called clusters that represent collections of data elements ...
If A moves along a known curve, then P describes a pursuit curve if P is always directed toward A and A and P move with uniform velocities. Pursuit curves were considered in ...
Functions which have derivatives of all orders at all points and which, together with their derivatives, fall off at least as rapidly as |x|^(-n) as |x|->infty, no matter how ...
The mapping of a grid of regularly ruled squares onto a cone with no overlap or misalignment. Cone nets are possible for vertex angles of 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 ...
Schur (1916) proved that no matter how the set of positive integers less than or equal to |_n!e_| (where |_x_| is the floor function) is partitioned into n classes, one class ...
In the early 1950s, Ernst Straus asked 1. Is every region illuminable from every point in the region? 2. Is every region illuminable from at least one point in the region? ...
A multiway system that generates causal networks which are all isomorphic as acyclic digraphs is said to exhibit causal invariance, and the causal network itself is also said ...
Consider the length of the diagonal of a unit square as approximated by piecewise linear steps that may only be taken in the right and up directions. Obviously, the length so ...
Ramsey's theorem is a generalization of Dilworth's lemma which states for each pair of positive integers k and l there exists an integer R(k,l) (known as the Ramsey number) ...
A basin of attraction in which every point on the common boundary of that basin and another basin is also a boundary of a third basin. In other words, no matter how closely a ...
