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Buffon's needle problem asks to find the probability that a needle of length l will land on a line, given a floor with equally spaced parallel lines a distance d apart. The ...
The Buffon-Laplace needle problem asks to find the probability P(l,a,b) that a needle of length l will land on at least one line, given a floor with a grid of equally spaced ...
The Kakeya needle problems asks for the plane figure of least area in which a line segment of width 1 can be freely rotated (where translation of the segment is also ...
Clean tile is a game investigated by Buffon (1777) in which players bet on the number of different tiles a thrown coin will partially cover on a floor that is regularly ...
The image on the Riemann sphere of any circle under a complex rational mapping with numerator and denominator having degrees no more than n has length no longer than 2npi.
A square grid is a grid formed by tiling the plane regularly with squares.
The study of the probabilities involved in geometric problems, e.g., the distributions of length, area, volume, etc. for geometric objects under stated conditions. The ...
The mathematical study of the likelihood and probability of events occurring based on known information and inferred by taking a limited number of samples. Statistics plays ...
The constant pi, denoted pi, is a real number defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference C to its diameter d=2r, pi = C/d (1) = C/(2r) (2) pi has decimal expansion ...
A convex figure constructed by iteratively halving the base of an equilateral triangle and then sliding adjacent triangles so that they slightly overlap. Combining several ...