See also
Elliptic Curve,
Frey Curve,
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53-69, 1928.Dorman, D. R. "Special Values of the Elliptic
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B. H. and Zaiger, D. B. "On Singular Moduli." J. reine angew.
Math. 355, 191-220, 1985.Stepanov, S. A. "The
-Invariant." §7.2 in Codes
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G. N. "Ramanujans Vermutung über Zerfällungsanzahlen." J.
reine angew. Math. 179, 97-128, 1938.Weber, H. Lehrbuch
der Algebra, Vols. I-II. New York: Chelsea, 1979.Referenced
on Wolfram|Alpha
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Weisstein, Eric W. "j-Invariant." From
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