
Unsorted Union

The unsorted union of a list S is a list containing the same elements as S but with the second and subsequent occurrence of any given element removed. For example, the unsorted union of the set {1,3,3,2,1,3,4} is {1,3,2,4}. The unsorted union differs from the usual union {1,2,3,4} in that the elements of the unsorted union are not necessarily ordered.

The unsorted union is implemented in the Wolfram Language as DeleteDuplicates[list].

It can be implemented in the Wolfram Language top-level code as:

  UnsortedUnion1[x_] := Tally[x][[All, 1]]


  UnsortedUnion2[x_] := Reap[Sow[1, x], _, #1&][[2]]


  UnsortedUnion3[x_] := Module[{f},
    f[y_] := (f[y] = Sequence[]; y);
    f /@ x

Depending on the nature of the list to be unioned, different implementations above may be more efficient, although in general, the first is the fastest.

See also

Disjoint Union, Union

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Unsorted Union." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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