
Right Ideal

In a noncommutative ring R, a right ideal is a subset I which is an additive subgroup of R and such that for all r in R and all a in I,

 ar in I.

For all a in R, the set

 <a>={r in R|ar}

is a right ideal of R, called the right ideal generated by a.

In the ring R of 2×2 matrices with entries in R, the subset

 I={[a b; 0 0]|a,b in R}

is a right ideal. This is evidently an additive subgroup, and the multiplication property can be easily checked,

 [a b; 0 0][c d; e f]=[ac+be ad+bf; 0 0] in I.

It is not a left ideal, since

 [1 0; 0 0] in I,


 [0 0; 1 0][1 0; 0 0]=[0 0; 1 0] not in I.

In this example, I is a one-sided ideal which is not two-sided.

See also

Ideal, Left Ideal

This entry contributed by Margherita Barile

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Barile, Margherita. "Right Ideal." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource, created by Eric W. Weisstein.

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