
Pentamagic Square

A multimagic square such that the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth powers of the elements all yield magic squares is known as a pentamagic square. The first known pentamagic square was constructed by Christian Boyer and André Viricel in 2001 (Boyer 2001) and was of order 1024. A pentamagic square of order 729 was subsequently found by Li Wen in June 2003.

See also

Bimagic Square, Multimagic Square, Tetramagic Square, Trimagic Square

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Boyer, C. "Les premiers carrés tétra et pentamagiques." Pour La Science, No. 286, pp. 98-102, Aug. 2001.Boyer, C. "Tetramagic Squares and Pentamagic Squares."

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Pentamagic Square

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Pentamagic Square." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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