
Nonahedral Graph

A polyhedral graph having nine vertices. There are 2606 nonisomorphic nonahedral graphs, as first enumerated by Federico (1969; Duijvestijn and Federico 1981).


Named nonahedral graphs include the Fritsch graph, Soifer graph, and 9-wheel graph W_9. Other nonahedral graphs include the skeletons of Johnson solids 3, 8, 10, and 63, the (2,7)-fan graph, and the (3,3)-prism graph.

See also

Enneahedron, Polyhedral Graph

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Duijvestijn, A. J. W. and Federico, P. J. "The Number of Polyhedral (3-Connected Planar) Graphs." Math. Comput. 37, 523-532, 1981.Federico, P. J. "Enumeration of Polyhedra: The Number of 9-hedra." J. Combin. Th. 7, 155-161, 1969.

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Nonahedral Graph

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Nonahedral Graph." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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