The intersection number , also called the edge clique cover number, clique edge
cover number, -content,
or (confusingly) clique cover number, of a given graph is the minimum number of cliques
needed to cover all of the edges of (i.e., whose edges form an edge
cover of ).
As a result of this definition, only maximal cliques
need be considered.
For a graph with
vertices and
edges, iff is triangle-free (Harary
1994, p. 19).
Harary (1994, problem 2.26, p. 25) posed the problem of finding the intersection number of a complete graph. While Choudamand and Parthasarathy (1975), Thomas (2004,
p. 28), and Jinnah and Mathew (2017) seem to give
the fact that the graph is an edge cover of itself requires that for .
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