
Graph Genus

The genus gamma(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of handles that must be added to the plane to embed the graph without any crossings. A graph with genus 0 is embeddable in the plane and is said to be a planar graph. The names of graph classes having particular values for their genera are summarized in the following table (cf. West 2000, p. 266).

Every graph has a genus (White 2001, p. 53).

The smallest double-toroidal graph have 8 vertices, and there are precisely 15 double-toroidal graphs on 8 nodes.

There are no pretzel graphs on eight or fewer vertices.

Let S_gamma be a surface of genus gamma. Then if gamma(G)=k for k>0, then G has in embedding in S_k but not in S_i for i<k. Furthermore, G embeds in S_j for all j>=k, as can be seen by adding j-k handles to an embedding of G in S_k (White 2001, p. 52).

The genus of a graph G satisfies


where m is the edge count of G (White 2001, p. 53).

The genus of a disconnected graph is the sum of the genera of its connected components (Battle et al. 1962, White 2001, p. 55), and the genus of a connected graph is the sum of the genera of its blocks (Battle et al. 1962; White 2001, p. 55; Stahl 1978).

It follows from results of Battle et al. (1962) that the disjoint union of n copies of K_5 (or n disjoint copies of K_(3,3) is a forbidden minor for graphs of genus n-1. Similarly, n copies of K_5 or K_(3,3) such that some share a vertex and which have blocks that are K_5 or _K3,3 are forbidden minors for graphs of genus n-1.

Duke and Haggard (1972; Harary et al. 1973) gave a criterion for the genus of all graphs on 8 and fewer vertices. Define the double-toroidal graphs

B_2=K_8-(2K_2 union P_3)

where G-H denotes G minus the edges of H. Then for any subgraph G of K_8:

1. gamma(G)=0 if G does not contain a Kuratowski graph (i.e., K_5 or K_(3,3)),

2. gamma(G)=1 if G contains a Kuratowski graph (i.e., is nonplanar) but does not contain any B_i for i=1,2,3,

3. gamma(G)=2 if G contains any B_i for i=1,2,3.

The complete graph K_n has genus


for n>=3, where [x] is the ceiling function (Ringel and Youngs 1968; Harary 1994, p. 118). The values for n=1, 2, ... are 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, ... (OEIS A000933).

The complete bipartite graph K_(m,n) has genus


(Ringel 1965; Beineke and Harary 1965; Harary 1994, p. 119).

The hypercube Q_n has genus


(Ringel 1955; Beineke and Harary 1965; Harary et al. 1988; Harary 1994, p. 119). The values for n=1, 2, ... are 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 17, 49, 129, ... (OEIS A000337).

See also

Circuit Rank, Double-Toroidal Graph, Graph Crossing Number, Planar Graph, Pretzel Graph, Rectilinear Crossing Number, Toroidal Graph

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Graph Genus." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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