


An (n,k) fountain is an arrangement of n coins in rows such that exactly k coins are in the bottom row and each coin in the (i+1)st row touches exactly two in the ith row. For example, a (21, 10) fountain is illustrated above.

A generalized Rogers-Ramanujan-type continued fraction is closely related to the enumeration of coins in a fountain (Berndt 1985).

See also

Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction

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Berndt, B. C. Ramanujan's Notebooks, Part III. New York: Springer-Verlag, p. 79, 1985.Berndt, B. C.; Huang, S.-S.; Sohn, J.; and Son, S. H. "Some Theorems on the Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction in Ramanujan's Lost Notebook." Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352, 2157-2177, 2000.Guy, R. "The Strong Law of Small Numbers." Amer. Math. Monthly 95, 697-712, 1988.Odlyzko, A. M. and Wilf H. S. "n Coins in a Fountain." Amer. Math. Monthly 95, 840-843, 1988.

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Fountain." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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