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The sequence of six 9s which begins at the 762nd decimal place of pi, pi=3.14159...134999999_()_(six 9s)837... (Wells 1986, p. 51). The positions of the first occurrences of ...
The internal (external) bisecting plane of a dihedral angle of a tetrahedron divides the opposite edge in the ratio of the areas of the adjacent faces.
A polyiamond composed of six equilateral triangles. The 12 hexiamonds are illustrated above. They are given the names bar, crook, crown, sphinx, snake, yacht, chevron, ...
The Jackson-Slater identity is the q-series identity of Rogers-Ramanujan-type given by sum_(k=0)^(infty)(q^(2k^2))/((q)_(2k)) = ...
Let alpha(x) be a step function with the jump j(x)=(N; x)p^xq^(N-x) (1) at x=0, 1, ..., N, where p>0,q>0, and p+q=1. Then the Krawtchouk polynomial is defined by ...
In his last letter to Hardy, Ramanujan defined 17 Jacobi theta function-like functions F(q) with |q|<1 which he called "mock theta functions" (Watson 1936ab, Ramanujan 1988, ...
A branch of mathematics which encompasses many diverse areas of minimization and optimization. Optimization theory is the more modern term for operations research. ...
Pickover's sequence gives the starting positions in the decimal expansion of pi (ignoring the leading 3) in which the first n digits of e occur (counting the leading 2). So, ...
A Pythagorean quadruple is a set of positive integers a, b, c, and d that satisfy a^2+b^2+c^2=d^2. (1) For positive even a and b, there exist such integers c and d; for ...
Given a random variable X with continuous and strictly monotonic probability density function f(X), a quantile function Q_f assigns to each probability p attained by f the ...
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