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In a dynamical system, a bifurcation is a period doubling, quadrupling, etc., that accompanies the onset of chaos. It represents the sudden appearance of a qualitatively ...
Let f:R×R->R be a one-parameter family of C^3 maps satisfying f(0,0) = 0 (1) [(partialf)/(partialx)]_(mu=0,x=0) = -1 (2) [(partial^2f)/(partialx^2)]_(mu=0,x=0) < 0 (3) ...
Let f:R×R->R be a one-parameter family of C^2 map satisfying f(0,0)=0 [(partialf)/(partialx)]_(mu=0,x=0)=0 [(partial^2f)/(partialx^2)]_(mu=0,x=0)>0 ...
Let f:R×R->R be a one-parameter family of C^3 maps satisfying f(-x,mu)=-f(x,mu) (1) (partialf)/(partialx)|_(mu=0, x=0)=0 (2) (partial^2f)/(partialxpartialmu)|_(mu=0, x=0)>0 ...
Let f:R×R->R be a one-parameter family of C^2 maps satisfying f(0,mu)=0 (1) [(partialf)/(partialx)]_(mu=0,x=0)=0 (2) [(partial^2f)/(partialxpartialmu)]_(0,0)>0 (3) ...
The study of the nature and properties of bifurcations.
The bifurcation of a fixed point to a limit cycle (Tabor 1989).
An attracting set to which orbits or trajectories converge and upon which trajectories are periodic.
A two-dimensional map which is conjugate to the Hénon map in its nondissipative limit. It is given by x^' = x+y^' (1) y^' = y+epsilony+kx(x-1)+muxy. (2)
Replacing the logistic equation (dx)/(dt)=rx(1-x) (1) with the quadratic recurrence equation x_(n+1)=rx_n(1-x_n), (2) where r (sometimes also denoted mu) is a positive ...
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