Newton's method, also called the Newton-Raphson method, is a root-finding algorithm that uses the first few terms of the Taylor
series of a function
in the vicinity of a suspected root. Newton's method is
sometimes also known as Newton's iteration,
although in this work the latter term is reserved to the application of Newton's
method for computing square roots.
a polynomial, Newton's method is essentially the same
as Horner's method.
The Taylor series of about the point
is given by
Keeping terms only to first order,
Equation (2) is the equation of the tangent line to the curve at ,
is the place where that tangent
line intersects the
A graph can therefore give a good intuitive idea of why Newton's method works at
a well-chosen starting point and why it might diverge with a poorly-chosen starting
This expression above can be used to estimate the amount of offset needed to land closer to the root starting from an initial
and solving (2) for
which is the first-order adjustment to the root's position. By letting ,
calculating a new
and so on, the process can be repeated until it converges to a fixed
point (which is precisely a root) using
Unfortunately, this procedure can be unstable near a horizontal asymptote or a local extremum. However, with a good initial choice of the root's position, the algorithm can be applied iteratively to obtain
for ,
2, 3, .... An initial point
that provides safe convergence of Newton's method is called
an approximate zero.
Newton's method can be implemented in the Wolfram Language as
NewtonsMethodList[f_, {x_, x0_}, n_] := NestList[# - Function[x, f][#]/ Derivative[1][Function[x, f]][#]& , x0, n]
Assume that Newton's iteration converges toward
, and define the error after the
th step by
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
Taking the second-order expansion
Therefore, when the method converges, it does so quadratically.
Applying Newton's method to the roots of any polynomial of degree two or higher yields a rational map of ,
and the Julia set of this map is a fractal
whenever there are three or more distinct roots. Iterating the method for the roots
with starting point
(Mandelbrot 1983, Gleick 1988, Peitgen and Saupe 1988, Press et al. 1992, Dickau 1997). Since this is an th order polynomial, there are
roots to which
the algorithm can converge. Coloring the basin
of attraction (the set of initial points
that converge to the same root)
for each root a different color then gives the above plots.
Fractals typically arise from non-polynomial maps as well. The plot above shows the number of iterations needed for Newton's method to converge for the function (D. Cross, pers. comm., Jan. 10,
2005) and