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The sinusoidal projection is an equal-area projection given by the transformation x = (lambda-lambda_0)cosphi (1) y = phi. (2) The inverse formulas are phi = y (3) lambda = ...
Trigonometric identities which prove useful in the construction of map projections include (1) where A^' = A-C (2) B^' = 2B-4D (3) C^' = 4C (4) D^' = 8D. (5) ...
Let phi_0 be the latitude for the origin of the Cartesian coordinates and lambda_0 its longitude, and let phi_1 and phi_2 be the standard parallels. Then for a unit sphere, ...
A parametric latitude which gives a sphere equal surface area relative to an ellipsoid. The authalic latitude is defined by beta=sin^(-1)(q/(q_p)), (1) where ...
A map projection on which the azimuths of all points are shown correctly with respect to the center (Snyder 1987, p. 4). A plane tangent to one of the Earth's poles is the ...
The Bonne projection is a map projection that resembles the shape of a heart. Let phi_1 be the standard parallel, lambda_0 the central meridian, phi be the latitude, and ...
Conformal latitude is defined by chi = 2tan^(-1){tan(1/4pi+1/2phi)[(1-esinphi)/(1+esinphi)]^(e/2)}-1/2pi (1) = ...
A map projection which is a conformal mapping, i.e., one for which local (infinitesimal) angles on a sphere are mapped to the same angles in the projection. On maps of an ...
The science of adversarial information protection.
The map projection having transformation equations x = (lambda-lambda_0)cosphi_1 (1) y = phi, (2) and the inverse formulas are phi = y (3) lambda = lambda_0+xsecphi_1, (4) ...
