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A topology on a set X whose open sets are the unions of open balls B(X_0,r)={x in x|g(x_0,x)<r}, where g is a pseudometric on X, x_0 is any point of X, and r>0. There is a ...
Curry (1977, p. 5) uses the term pseudoparadox to describe an apparent paradox, such as the catalogue paradox, for which there is no underlying actual contradiction.
A pseudoperfect number, sometimes also called a semiperfect number (Benkoski 1972, Butske et al. 1999), is a positive integer such as 20=1+4+5+10 which is the sum of some (or ...
A pseudoprime is a composite number that passes a test or sequence of tests that fail for most composite numbers. Unfortunately, some authors drop the "composite" ...
A slightly archaic term for a computer-generated random number. The prefix pseudo- is used to distinguish this type of number from a "truly" random number generated by a ...
A scalar which reverses sign under inversion is called a pseudoscalar. For example, the scalar triple product A·(BxC) is a pseudoscalar since A·(BxC)=-[-A·((-B)x(-C))].
The pseudosmarandache function Z(n) is the smallest integer such that sum_(k=1)^(Z(n))k=1/2Z(n)[Z(n)+1] is divisible by n. The values for n=1, 2, ... are 1, 3, 2, 7, 4, 3, 6, ...
The pseudosphere is the constant negative-Gaussian curvature surface of revolution generated by a tractrix about its asymptote. It is sometimes also called the tractroid, ...
The pseudosquare L_p modulo the odd prime p is the least nonsquare positive integer that is congruent to 1 (mod 8) and for which the Legendre symbol (L_p/q)=1 for all odd ...
A tensor-like object which reverses sign under inversion. Given a transformation matrix A, A_(ij)^'=det|A|a_(ik)a_(jl)A_(kl), where det is the determinant. A pseudotensor is ...
