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One petabyte is 10^(15) bytes. Unfortunately, the term is sometimes also used to mean 2^(50)=1024^5 bytes. However, the latter usage is deprecated, and the term pebibyte is ...
Let G be a Lie group and let rho be a group representation of G on C^n (for some natural number n), which is continuous in the sense that the function G×C^n->C^n defined by ...
Polynomials s_k(x;lambda,mu) which are a generalization of the Boole polynomials, form the Sheffer sequence for g(t) = (1+e^(lambdat))^mu (1) f(t) = e^t-1 (2) and have ...
The Peters projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection that de-emphasizes the exaggeration of areas at high latitudes by shifting the standard latitude to phi_s=44.138 ...
A beautiful general theorem of which the following two statements are special cases (Coxeter and Greitzer 1967, pp. 99-100). 1. If DeltaABC and DeltaA^'B^'C^' are two ...
The Petersen family of graphs, not to be confused with generalized Petersen graphs, are a set of seven graphs obtained from the Petersen graph (or complete graph K_6) by del ...
The Petersen graph is the cubic graph on 10 vertices and 15 edges which is the unique (3,5)-cage graph (Harary 1994, p. 175), as well as the unique (3,5)-Moore graph. It can ...
Petersen's theorem states that every cubic graph with no bridges has a perfect matching (Petersen 1891; Frink 1926; König 1936; Skiena 1990, p. 244). In fact, this theorem ...
Let x:U->R^3 be a regular patch, where U is an open subset of R^2. Then (partiale)/(partialv)-(partialf)/(partialu) = eGamma_(12)^1+f(Gamma_(12)^2-Gamma_(11)^1)-gGamma_(11)^2 ...
Petersson considered the absolutely converging Dirichlet L-series phi(s)=product_(p)1/(1-c(p)p^(-s)+p^(2k-1)p^(-2s)). (1) Writing the denominator as ...
