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The Pappus graph is a cubic symmetric distance-regular graph on 18 vertices, illustrated above in three embeddings. It is Hamiltonian and can be represented in LCF notation ...
The Pappus spiral is the name given to the conical spiral with parametric equations x(t) = asin(alphat)cost (1) y(t) = asin(alphat)sint (2) x(t) = acos(alphat) (3) by ...
The first theorem of Pappus states that the surface area S of a surface of revolution generated by the revolution of a curve about an external axis is equal to the product of ...
AW, AB, and AY in the above figure are in a harmonic range.
If A, B, and C are three points on one line, D, E, and F are three points on another line, and AE meets BD at X, AF meets CD at Y, and BF meets CE at Z, then the three points ...
There are several theorems that generally are known by the generic name "Pappus's Theorem." They include Pappus's centroid theorem, the Pappus chain, Pappus's harmonic ...
The parabiaugmented dodecahedron is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(60). The unit parabiaugmented dodecahedron has volume V=1/6(25+11sqrt(5)) (1) and Dehn ...
The parabiaugmented hexagonal prism is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(56). The parabiaugmented hexagonal prism has volume V=1/6(2sqrt(2)+9sqrt(3)) (1) ...
The parabiaugmented truncated dodecahedron is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(69). The unit parabiaugmented truncated dodecahedron has volume ...
The parabididiminished rhombicosidodecahedron is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(820). The unit parabididiminished rhombicosidodecahedron ...
