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Orthogonal polynomials are classes of polynomials {p_n(x)} defined over a range [a,b] that obey an orthogonality relation int_a^bw(x)p_m(x)p_n(x)dx=delta_(mn)c_n, (1) where ...
A projection of a figure by parallel rays. In such a projection, tangencies are preserved. Parallel lines project to parallel lines. The ratio of lengths of parallel segments ...
A subset {v_1,...,v_k} of a vector space V, with the inner product <,>, is called orthogonal if <v_i,v_j>=0 when i!=j. That is, the vectors are mutually perpendicular. Note ...
Two subspaces S_1 and S_2 of R^n are said to be orthogonal if the dot product v_1·v_2=0 for all vectors v_1 in S_1 and all v_2 in S_2.
In a space E equipped with a symmetric, differential k-form, or Hermitian form, the orthogonal sum is the direct sum of two subspaces V and W, which are mutually orthogonal. ...
Families of surfaces which are mutually orthogonal. Up to three families of surfaces may be orthogonal in three dimensions. The simplest example of three orthogonal surfaces ...
Orthogonal contravariant and covariant satisfy g_(ik)g^(ij)=delta_k^j, where delta_j^k is the Kronecker delta.
An orthogonal transformation is a linear transformation T:V->V which preserves a symmetric inner product. In particular, an orthogonal transformation (technically, an ...
Two vectors u and v whose dot product is u·v=0 (i.e., the vectors are perpendicular) are said to be orthogonal. In three-space, three vectors can be mutually perpendicular.
A linear transformation x_1^' = a_(11)x_1+a_(12)x_2+a_(13)x_3 (1) x_2^' = a_(21)x_1+a_(22)x_2+a_(23)x_3 (2) x_3^' = a_(31)x_1+a_(32)x_2+a_(33)x_3, (3) is said to be an ...
