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Ore algebra is an algebra of noncommutative polynomials representing linear operators for functional equations such as linear differential or difference equations. Ore ...
An Ore graph is a graph that satisfies Ore's theorem, i.e., a graph G for which the sums of the degrees of nonadjacent vertices is greater than or equal to the number of ...
Define the harmonic mean of the divisors of n H(n)=(sigma_0(n))/(sum_(d|n)1/d), where sigma_0(n) is the divisor function (the number of divisors of n). For n=1, 2, ..., the ...
If a graph G has n graph vertices such that every pair of the n graph vertices which are not joined by a graph edge has a sum of valences which is >=n, then G is Hamiltonian. ...
A manifold is said to be orientable if it can be given an orientation. Note the distinction between an "orientable manifold" and an "oriented manifold," where the former ...
A regular surface M subset R^n is called orientable if each tangent space M_p has a complex structure J_p:M_p->M_p such that p->J_p is a continuous function.
A nonsingular linear map A:R^n->R^n is orientation-preserving if det(A)>0.
A nonsingular linear map A:R^n->R^n is orientation-reversing if det(A)<0.
An oriented graph is a directed graph having no symmetric pair of directed edges. A complete oriented graph is called a tournament. The numbers of oriented graphs on n=1, 2, ...
An oriented knot is an oriented link of one component, or equivalently, it is a knot which has been given an orientation. Given an oriented knot K, reversing the orientation ...
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