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The involute of the nephroid given by x = 1/2[3cost-cos(3t)] (1) y = 1/2[3sint-sin(3t)] (2) beginning at the point where the nephroid cuts the y-axis is given by x = 4cos^3t ...
Let V be a complete normal variety, and write G(V) for the group of divisors, G_n(V) for the group of divisors numerically equal to 0, and G_a(V) the group of divisors ...
The simplicial complex formed from a family of objects by taking sets that have nonempty intersections.
Let H be a complex Hilbert space, and define a nest as a set N of closed subspaces of H satisfying the conditions: 1. 0,H in N, 2. If N_1,N_2 in N, then either N_1 subset= ...
A composition of a function f degreesf with itself gives a nested function f(f(x)), f degreesf degreesf which gives f(f(f(x)), etc. Function nesting is implemented in the ...
Let S be the set of all possibilities that satisfy hypothesis H, and let S^' be the set of all possibilities that satisfy hypothesis H^'. Then H^' is a nested hypothesis ...
In number theory (e.g., Ivić 2003), the symbol log_kx is commonly used to mean the nested logarithm (also called the repeated logarithm or iterated logarithm) ...
Beautiful patterns can be created by drawing sets of nested polygons such that the incircle of the nth polygon is the circumcircle of the (n+1)st and successive polygons are ...
Expressions of the form lim_(k->infty)x_0+sqrt(x_1+sqrt(x_2+sqrt(...+x_k))) (1) are called nested radicals. Herschfeld (1935) proved that a nested radical of real nonnegative ...
The nested radical constant is the constant defined by C = sqrt(1+sqrt(2+sqrt(3+sqrt(4+sqrt(5+...))))) (1) = 1.75793275... (2) (OEIS A072449). No closed-form expression is ...
