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7651 - 7660 of 13135 for login %...Search Results
Montgomery's pair correlation conjecture, published in 1973, asserts that the two-point correlation function R_2(r) for the zeros of the Riemann zeta function zeta(z) on the ...
The Monty Hall problem is named for its similarity to the Let's Make a Deal television game show hosted by Monty Hall. The problem is stated as follows. Assume that a room is ...
Given an m×n matrix B, the Moore-Penrose generalized matrix inverse is a unique n×m matrix pseudoinverse B^+. This matrix was independently defined by Moore in 1920 and ...
A Moore graph of type (v,g) is a regular graph of vertex degree v>2 and girth g that contains the maximum possible number of nodes, namely ...
A square-shaped neighborhood that can be used to define a set of cells surrounding a given cell (x_0,y_0) that may affect the evolution of a two-dimensional cellular ...
For elliptic curves over the rationals Q, the group of rational points is always finitely generated (i.e., there always exists a finite set of group generators). This theorem ...
The Mordell conjecture states that Diophantine equations that give rise to surfaces with two or more holes have only finite many solutions in Gaussian integers with no common ...
An elliptic curve of the form y^2=x^3+n for n an integer. This equation has a finite number of solutions in integers for all nonzero n. If (x,y) is a solution, it therefore ...
The integral phi(t,u)=int(e^(piitx^2+2piiux))/(e^(2piix)-1)dx which is related to the Jacobi theta functions, mock theta functions, Riemann zeta function, and Siegel theta ...
In above figure, which constitutes a modified version of the painting Tirets by Francois Morellet, small circles seem to appear and disappear as the eye is moved over them.
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