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There are at least two distinct (though related) notions of the term Hilbert algebra in functional analysis. In some literature, a linear manifold A of a (not necessarily ...
A Hilbert basis for the vector space of square summable sequences (a_n)=a_1, a_2, ... is given by the standard basis e_i, where e_i=delta_(in), with delta_(in) the Kronecker ...
If R is a Noetherian ring, then S=R[X] is also a Noetherian ring.
The notion of a Hilbert C^*-module is a generalization of the notion of a Hilbert space. The first use of such objects was made by Kaplansky (1953). The research on Hilbert ...
Given a number field K, there exists a unique maximal unramified Abelian extension L of K which contains all other unramified Abelian extensions of K. This finite field ...
The Cartesian product of a countable infinity of copies of the interval [0,1]. It can be denoted [0,1]^(aleph_0) or [0,1]^omega, where aleph_0 and omega are the first ...
The Hilbert curve is a Lindenmayer system invented by Hilbert (1891) whose limit is a plane-filling function which fills a square. Traversing the polyhedron vertices of an ...
Given a finitely generated Z-graded module M over a graded ring R (finitely generated over R_0, which is an Artinian local ring), the Hilbert function of M is the map ...
Let a hotel have a denumerable set of rooms numbered 1, 2, 3, .... Then any finite number n of guests can be accommodated without evicting the current guests by moving the ...
A matrix H with elements H_(ij)=(i+j-1)^(-1) (1) for i,j=1, 2, ..., n. Hilbert matrices are implemented in the Wolfram Language by HilbertMatrix[m, n]. The figure above shows ...
