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A heptomino is a 7-polyomino. There are 108 free (illustrated above), 196 one-sided, and 760 fixed heptominoes. There is a single heptomino containing a hole (illustrated ...
The set of all ground atoms that can be formed from predicate symbols from a clause in Skolemized form S and terms from the Herbrand universe H of S.
Consider a first-order logic formula Phi in Skolemized form forall x_1... forall x_nS. Then the Herbrand universe H of S is defined by the following rules. 1. All constants ...
There are two important theorems known as Herbrand's theorem. The first arises in ring theory. Let an ideal class be in A if it contains an ideal whose lth power is ...
A continuum is hereditarily decomposable if each of its subcontinua is decomposable. An interval is hereditarily decomposable, as is a circle, whereas the buckethandle (also ...
Let X be a continuum (i.e., a compact connected metric space). Then X is hereditarily unicoherent provided that every subcontinuum of X is unicoherent. Any hereditarily ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra. A C^*-subalgebra (that is a closed *-subalgebra) B of A is called hereditary if bab^' in B for all b,b^' in B and a in A, or equivalently if for a in ...
A property that passes from a topological space to every subspace with respect to the relative topology. Examples are first and second countability, metrizability, the ...
The representation of a number as a sum of powers of a base b, followed by expression of each of the exponents as a sum of powers of b, etc., until the process stops. For ...
A property of a space which is also true of each of its subspaces. Being "first-countable" is hereditary, but having a given genus is not.
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