Consider a first-order logic formula in Skolemized form
Then the Herbrand universe of
is defined by the following rules.
1. All constants from
belong to
If there are no constants in
, then
contains an arbitrary constant
2. If ,
and an
occurs in
The clauses (disjunctions of literals) obtained from those of
by replacing all variables by elements of the Herbrand universe are called ground
clauses, with similar definitions for a ground
literal and ground atom. The set of all ground
atoms that can be formed from predicate symbols from
and terms from
is called the Herbrand base.
Consecutive generation of elements of the Herbrand universe and verification of unsatisfiability of generated elements can be straightforwardly implemented in a computer program. Given the completeness of first-order logic, this program is basically a tool for automated theorem proving. Of course, this exhaustive search is too slow for practical applications.
This program will terminate on all unsatisfiable formulas and will not terminate on satisfiable formulas, which basically shows that the set of unsatisfiable formulas is recursively enumerable. Since provability (or equivalently unsatisfiability) in first-order logic is recursively undecidable, this set is not recursive.