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The symbol defined by (v,n) = (2^(-2n){(4v^2-1)(4v^2-3^2)...[4v^2-(2n-1)^2]})/(n!) (1) = ((-1)^ncos(piv)Gamma(1/2+n-v)Gamma(1/2+n+v))/(pin!), (2) where Gamma(z) is the gamma ...
An apodization function, also called the Hann function, frequently used to reduce leakage in discrete Fourier transforms. The illustrations above show the Hanning function, ...
The Hanoi graph H_n corresponding to the allowed moves in the tower of Hanoi problem. The above figure shows the Hanoi graphs for small n. The Hanoi graph H_n can be ...
J_n(z) = 1/(2pi)int_(-pi)^pie^(izcost)e^(in(t-pi/2))dt (1) = (i^(-n))/piint_0^pie^(izcost)cos(nt)dt (2) = 1/piint_0^picos(zsint-nt)dt (3) for n=0, 1, 2, ..., where J_n(z) is ...
An addition chain for which there is a subset H of members such that each member of the chain uses the largest element of H which is less than the member.
A number n for which a shortest chain exists (which is also a Hansen chain) is called a Hansen number.
Hansen's problem is a problem in surveying described as follows. From the position of two known but inaccessible points A and B, determine the position of two unknown ...
The happy end problem, also called the "happy ending problem," is the problem of determining for n>=3 the smallest number of points g(n) in general position in the plane ...
Let the sum of the squares of the digits of a positive integer s_0 be represented by s_1. In a similar way, let the sum of the squares of the digits of s_1 be represented by ...
The Harada-Norton group is the sporadic group HN of order |HN| = 273030912000000 (1) = 2^(14)·3^6·5^6·7·11·19. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
