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An n-gonal pyramid adjoined to the top of an n-gonal antiprism. In the 3-gonal gyroelongated pyramid, the pyramid and lateral antiprism are coplanar. However, the 4-gonal and ...
Johnson solid J_(45).
Johnson solid J_(23).
One of the eight convex deltahedra built up from 16 equilateral triangles. It consists of two oppositely faced square pyramids rotated 45 degrees to each other and separated ...
Johnson solid J_(10).
Johnson solid J_(44).
Johnson solid J_(22).
The gyroid, illustrated above, is an infinitely connected periodic minimal surface containing no straight lines (Osserman 1986) that was discovered by Schoen (1970). ...
The H-fractal is a fractal constructed by starting with the line segments corresponding to a capital letter H, then iteratively placing smaller H's centered at the top and ...
An H-space, named after Heinz Hopf, and sometimes also called a Hopf space, is a topological space together with a continuous binary operation mu:X×X->X, such that there ...
