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The second blackboard problem in the 1997 film Good Will Hunting asks for all the series-reduced trees (referred to by the alternate term "homeomorphically irreducible trees" ...
A two-coloring of a complete graph K_n of n nodes which contains exactly the number of monochromatic forced triangles and no more (i.e., a minimum of R+B where R and B are ...
Given a hereditary representation of a number n in base b, let B[b](n) be the nonnegative integer which results if we syntactically replace each b by b+1 (i.e., B[b] is a ...
For all n, there exists a k such that the kth term of the Goodstein sequence G_k(n)=0. In other words, every Goodstein sequence converges to 0. The secret underlying ...
A googol is a large number equal to 10^(10^2)=10^(100) (i.e., a 1 with 100 zeros following it). Written out explicitly, ...
Googolplex is a large number equal to 10^(10^(100)) (i.e., 1 with a googol number of 0s written after it). The term was coined in 1938 after 9-year-old Milton Sirotta, nephew ...
A problem in the theory of algebraic invariants that was solved by Hilbert using an existence proof.
A metric characterizing the difference between two knots K and K^' in S^3.
Two distinct knots cannot have the same exterior. Or, equivalently, a knot is completely determined by its knot exterior (Cipra 1988; Adams 1994, p. 261). The question was ...
Another name for the confluent hypergeometric function of the second kind, defined by where Gamma(x) is the gamma function and _1F_1(a;b;z) is the confluent hypergeometric ...
