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A one-dimensional geometric object such as a pencil or line segment range.
A perspective collineation in which the center and axis are not incident. The term was first used by Poncelet (Cremona 1960, p. ix).
The geometric mean of a sequence {a_i}_(i=1)^n is defined by G(a_1,...,a_n)=(product_(i=1)^na_i)^(1/n). (1) Thus, G(a_1,a_2) = sqrt(a_1a_2) (2) G(a_1,a_2,a_3) = ...
The statistical index P_G=[product((p_n)/(p_0))^(v_0)]^(1/Sigmav_0), where p_n is the price per unit in period n, q_n is the quantity produced in period n, and v_n=p_nq_n the ...
The study of the probabilities involved in geometric problems, e.g., the distributions of length, area, volume, etc. for geometric objects under stated conditions. The ...
The Greek problems of antiquity were a set of geometric problems whose solution was sought using only compass and straightedge: 1. circle squaring. 2. cube duplication. 3. ...
If the abstract simplicial complex S is isomorphic with the vertex scheme of the simplicial complex K, then K is said to be a geometric realization of S, and is uniquely ...
A geometric sequence is a sequence {a_k}, k=0, 1, ..., such that each term is given by a multiple r of the previous one. Another equivalent definition is that a sequence is ...
A geometric series sum_(k)a_k is a series for which the ratio of each two consecutive terms a_(k+1)/a_k is a constant function of the summation index k. The more general case ...
The geometric span is largest possible distance between two points drawn from a finite set of points. It is therefore closely related to the generalized diameter of a closed ...
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