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French curves are plastic (or wooden) templates having an edge composed of several different curves. French curves are used in drafting (or were before computer-aided design) ...
The French metro metric is an example for disproving apparently intuitive but false properties of metric spaces. The metric consists of a distance function on the plane such ...
Also known as the Serret-Frenet formulas, these vector differential equations relate inherent properties of a parametrized curve. In matrix form, they can be written [T^.; ...
A smooth curve which corresponds to the limiting case of a histogram computed for a frequency distribution of a continuous distribution as the number of data points becomes ...
The tabulation of raw data obtained by dividing it into classes of some size and computing the number of data elements (or their fraction out of the total) falling within ...
A distribution of values of a discrete variate represented graphically by plotting points (x_1,f_1), (x_2,f_2), ..., (x_k,f_k), and drawing a set of straight line segments ...
Frequency representation is the notation (1^(a_1)2^(a_2)...) used to abbreviate a partition {1,...,1_()_(a_1),2,...,2_()_(a_2),...} (Andrews 1998, p. 1).
There are a number of slightly different definitions of the Fresnel integrals. In physics, the Fresnel integrals denoted C(u) and S(u) are most often defined by C(u)+iS(u) = ...
The envelope of the plane lx+my+nz=c, (1) where c is the speed of propagation of a wave in the direction (l,m,n) (i.e., l, m, and n are the direction cosines) is known as the ...
Let a^p+b^p=c^p be a solution to Fermat's last theorem. Then the corresponding Frey curve is y^2=x(x-a^p)(x+b^p). (1) Ribet (1990a) showed that such curves cannot be modular, ...
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