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If f:E->B is a fiber bundle with B a paracompact topological space, then f satisfies the homotopy lifting property with respect to all topological spaces. In other words, if ...
The eigenvector corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue (i.e., the algebraic connectivity) of the Laplacian matrix of a graph G. The Fiedler vector is used in ...
A field is any set of elements that satisfies the field axioms for both addition and multiplication and is a commutative division algebra. An archaic name for a field is ...
A field automorphism of a field F is a bijective map sigma:F->F that preserves all of F's algebraic properties, more precisely, it is an isomorphism. For example, complex ...
The field axioms are generally written in additive and multiplicative pairs. name addition multiplication associativity (a+b)+c=a+(b+c) (ab)c=a(bc) commutativity a+b=b+a ...
For a field K with multiplicative identity 1, consider the numbers 2=1+1, 3=1+1+1, 4=1+1+1+1, etc. Either these numbers are all different, in which case we say that K has ...
The characteristic exponent of a field is 1 if the field characteristic is 0 and p if the field characteristic is p.
The order of a finite field is the number of elements it contains.
A place nu of a number field k is an isomorphism class of field maps k onto a dense subfield of a nondiscrete locally compact field k_nu. In the function field case, let F be ...
The ring of fractions of an integral domain. The field of fractions of the ring of integers Z is the rational field Q, and the field of fractions of the polynomial ring ...
