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The Dutch windmill graph D_3^((m)), also called a friendship graph, is the graph obtained by taking m copies of the cycle graph C_3 with a vertex in common (Gallian 2007), ...
Each centered convex body of sufficiently high dimension has an "almost spherical" k-dimensional central section.
Dyads extend vectors to provide an alternative description to second tensor rank tensors. A dyad D(A,B) of a pair of vectors A and B is defined by D(A,B)=AB. The dot product ...
A dyadic, also known as a vector direct product, is a linear polynomial of dyads AB+CD+... consisting of nine components A_(ij) which transform as (A_(ij))^' = ...
The Dyck graph is unique cubic symmetric graph on 32 nodes, illustrated above in a number of embeddings. It is denoted F_(032)A in the Foster census of cubic symmetric graphs ...
The simplest algebraic language, denoted D. If X is the alphabet {x,x^_}, then D is the set of words u of X which satisfy 1. |u|_x=|u|_(x^_), where |u|_x is the numbers of ...
A Dyck path is a staircase walk from (0,0) to (n,n) that lies strictly below (but may touch) the diagonal y=x. The number of Dyck paths of order n is given by the Catalan ...
The surface with three cross-caps (Francis and Collins 1993, Francis and Weeks 1999).
Handles and cross-handles are equivalent in the presence of a cross-cap.
For any two ergodic measure-preserving transformations on nonatomic probability spaces, there is an isomorphism between the two probability spaces carrying orbits onto orbits.
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