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The acceleration of an element of fluid, given by the convective derivative of the velocity v, (Dv)/(Dt)=(partialv)/(partialt)+v·del v, where del is the gradient operator.
The convective derivative is a derivative taken with respect to a moving coordinate system. It is also called the advective derivative, derivative following the motion, ...
Defined for a vector field A by (A·del ), where del is the gradient operator. Applied in arbitrary orthogonal three-dimensional coordinates to a vector field B, the ...
The improvement of the convergence properties of a series, also called convergence acceleration or accelerated convergence, such that a series reaches its limit to within ...
A test to determine if a given series converges or diverges.
The phrase "convergence in mean" is used in several branches of mathematics to refer to a number of different types of sequential convergence. In functional analysis, ...
The word "convergent" has a number of different meanings in mathematics. Most commonly, it is an adjective used to describe a convergent sequence or convergent series, where ...
A sequence is said to be convergent if it approaches some limit (D'Angelo and West 2000, p. 259). Formally, a sequence S_n converges to the limit S lim_(n->infty)S_n=S if, ...
A series is said to be convergent if it approaches some limit (D'Angelo and West 2000, p. 259). Formally, the infinite series sum_(n=1)^(infty)a_n is convergent if the ...
Given the statement "if P, then Q," or P=>Q, the converse is "if Q, then P." For example, the converse of "If a thing is a dog then it is a mammal" is "If a thing is a mammal ...
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