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Code 2040 is a totalistic cellular automaton that yields patterns with seemingly random features. The rules and 300 steps of this automaton are illustrated above.
Code 912 is a totalistic cellular automaton that yields patterns with seemingly random features. The rules and 300 steps of this automaton are illustrated above.
A codeword is an element of an error-correcting code C. If C has length n, then a codeword in C has the form (c_1,c_2,...,c_n), where each c_i is a letter in the alphabet of ...
Codimension is a term used in a number of algebraic and geometric contexts to indicate the difference between the dimension of certain objects and the dimension of a smaller ...
Coding theory, sometimes called algebraic coding theory, deals with the design of error-correcting codes for the reliable transmission of information across noisy channels. ...
A set within which the values of a function lie (as opposed to the range, which is the set of values that the function actually takes).
A multiplicative factor (usually indexed) such as one of the constants a_i in the polynomial a_nx^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0. In this polynomial, the monomials are ...
Let V be a vector space over a field K, and let A be a nonempty set. For an appropriately defined affine space A, K is called the coefficient field.
Given a series of the form A(z)=sum_(k)a_kz^k, the notation [z^k](A(z)) is used to indicate the coefficient a_k (Sedgewick and Flajolet 1996). This corresponds to the Wolfram ...
A coequalizer of a pair of maps f,g:X->Y in a category is a map c:Y->C such that 1. c degreesf=c degreesg, where degrees denotes composition. 2. For any other map c^':Y->C^' ...
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