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The set closure St^_v of a star Stv at a vertex v of a simplicial complex K.
A subset of a topological group which is closed as a subset and also a subgroup.
Let p be a non-wandering point of a diffeomorphism S:M->M of a compact manifold. The closing lemma concerns if S can be arbitrarily well approximated with derivatives of ...
The term "closure" has various meanings in mathematics. The topological closure of a subset A of a topological space X is the smallest closed subset of X containing A. If R ...
delta(x-t)=sum_(n=0)^inftyphi_n(x)phi_n(t), where delta(x) is the delta function.
The clove hitch is the hitch illustrated above that is also called the boatman's knot or peg knot.
Given a point lattice, a cluster is a group of filled cells which are all connected to their neighbors vertically or horizontally.
Cluster analysis is a technique used for classification of data in which data elements are partitioned into groups called clusters that represent collections of data elements ...
The number of empty neighbors of a cluster.
An odd prime p is called a cluster prime if every even positive integer less than p-2 can be written as a difference of two primes q-q^', where q,q^'<=p. The first 23 odd ...