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The points on a line can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the real numbers.
The Cantor diagonal method, also called the Cantor diagonal argument or Cantor's diagonal slash, is a clever technique used by Georg Cantor to show that the integers and ...
Cantor dust is a fractal that can be constructed using string rewriting beginning with a cell [0] and iterating the rules {0->[0 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 0],1->[1 0 1; 0 0 0; 1 0 1]}. ...
The Cantor function F(x) is the continuous but not absolutely continuous function on [0,1] which may be defined as follows. First, express x in ternary. If the resulting ...
The Cantor set T_infty, sometimes also called the Cantor comb or no middle third set (Cullen 1968, pp. 78-81), is given by taking the interval [0,1] (set T_0), removing the ...
A fractal which can be constructed using string rewriting beginning with a cell [1] and iterating the rules {0->[0 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 0],1->[1 1 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 1]}. (1) The size ...
A Cartesian product of any finite or infinite set I of copies of Z_2, equipped with the product topology derived from the discrete topology of Z_2. It is denoted Z_2^I. The ...
omega^epsilon=epsilon, where omega is an ordinal number and epsilon is an inaccessible cardinal.
A theorem about (or providing an equivalent definition of) compact sets, originally due to Georg Cantor. Given a decreasing sequence of bounded nonempty closed sets C_1 ...
The set of all sets is its own power set. Therefore, the cardinal number of the set of all sets must be bigger than itself.
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