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If the Tutte polynomial T(x,y) of a graph G is given by sumt_(rs)x^ry^s, then the matrix (t_(rs)) is called the rank matrix of G. For example, the Tutte matrix of the ...
Let G be an undirected graph, and let i denote the cardinal number of the set of externally active edges of a spanning tree T of G, j denote the cardinal number of the set of ...
Tutte's fragment (Taylor 1997) is the 15-node graph illustrated above (Grünbaum 2003, pp. 358-359 and Fig. 17.1.3). If the graph obtained by adding pendant edges to corners ...
Tutte's (46-vertex) graph is a cubic nonhamiltonian graph contructed by Tutte (1946) as a counterexample to Tait's Hamiltonian graph conjecture by using three copies ...
Let G be a graph and S a subgraph of G. Let the number of odd components in G-S be denoted S^', and |S| the number of graph vertices of S. The condition |S|>=S^' for every ...
Tutte's wheel theorem states that every polyhedral graph can be derived from a wheel graph via repeated graph contraction and edge splitting. For example, the figure above ...
Consider two directly similar triangles DeltaA_1B_1C_1 and DeltaA_2B_2C_2 with B_1C_1:A_1C_1:A_1B_1=B_2C_2:A_2C_2:A_2B_2=a:b:c. Then a·A_1A_2, b·B_1B_2 and c·C_1C_2 form the ...
Let L denote the n×n triangular lattice with wraparound. Call an orientation of L an assignment of a direction to each edge of L, and denote the number of orientations of L ...
Let a cotree of a spanning tree T in a connected graph G be denoted T^*. Then the edges of G which are not in T^* are called its twigs (Harary 1994, p. 39).
The twin composites may be defined by analogy with the twin primes as pairs of composite numbers (n,n+2). Since all even number are trivially twin composites, it is natural ...
