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The Tilley graph is a polyhedral graph that arises in the investigation of Kempe chainsKempe Chain (Tilley 2018). It has 12 vertices, 29 edges, and 19 faces (one of which is ...
Analysis of data ordered by the time the data were collected (usually spaced at equal intervals), called a time series. Common examples of a time series are daily temperature ...
A four-vector a_mu is said to be timelike if its four-vector norm satisfies a_mua^mu<0. One should note that the four-vector norm is nothing more than a special case of the ...
The operation of multiplication, i.e., a times b. Various notations are a×b, a·b, a*b, ab, and (a)(b). The "multiplication sign" × is based on Saint Andrew's cross (Bergamini ...
A strategy for the iterated prisoner's dilemma in which a prisoner cooperates on the first move, and thereafter copies the previous move of the other prisoner. Any better ...
In the 1980s, Samuel Yates defined a titanic prime to be a prime number of at least 1000 decimal digits. The smallest titanic prime is 10^(999)+7. As of 1990, more than 1400 ...
The illusion due to psychologist Edward Bradford Titchener that a circle surrounded by other circles will appear smaller if the surrounding circles are enlarged. This effect ...
If f(omega) is square integrable over the real omega-axis, then any one of the following implies the other two: 1. The Fourier transform F(t)=F_omega[f(omega)](t) is 0 for ...
The ordinary differential equation y^('')+(lambda-x^(2n))y=0.
The Tits group is a group of order 17971200. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as TitsGroupT[].
