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The tangent indicatrix of a curve of constant precession is a spherical helix. The equation of a spherical helix on a sphere with radius r making an angle theta with the ...
A sliver of the surface of a sphere of radius r cut out by two planes through the azimuthal axis with dihedral angle theta. The surface area of the lune is S=2r^2theta, which ...
Spherical mirrors were a popular subject for M. C. Escher's lithographs, including "Still Life with a Spherical Mirror" (Bool et al. 1982, p. 261; Forty 2003, Plate 23), ...
A plot of a function expressed in spherical coordinates, with radius r as a function of angles theta and phi. Polar plots can be drawn using SphericalPlot3D[r, {phi, phimin, ...
A closed geometric figure on the surface of a sphere which is formed by the arcs of great circles. The spherical polygon is a generalization of the spherical triangle. If ...
A spherical polyhedron is set of arcs on the surface of a sphere corresponding to the projections of the edges of a polyhedron. The images above illustrate the spherical ...
A spherical ring is a sphere with a cylindrical hole cut so that the centers of the cylinder and sphere coincide, also called a napkin ring. Let the sphere have radius R and ...
A spherical sector is a solid of revolution enclosed by two radii from the center of a sphere. The spherical sector may either be "open" and have a conical hole (left figure; ...
A spherical segment is the solid defined by cutting a sphere with a pair of parallel planes. It can be thought of as a spherical cap with the top truncated, and so it ...
A spherical shell is a generalization of an annulus to three dimensions. A spherical shell is therefore the region between two concentric spheres of differing radii. The ...
